Bio-Well Educational Programs

Become one of our expert practitioners!

We at Gaia Healers pride to work directly with Dr. Korotkov, inventor of Bio-Well. We research the energy of space and the influence of environment on the human energy field. 

We also host in-person workshops once a year with Dr. Korotkov in Orlando, FL. Once you complete your Level 2 certification, you will get invited to join our research team and research travels to the sacred spots around the world.

Learn From The Inventor of Bio-Well & Nima Farshid

Experience How We Bridge Spirituality With Science!

Nima met Dr. Korotkov in 2016 while he was going through a healing journey. He used Bio-Well to monitor his research in the Quantum world and brought healing to himself while doctors gave him two weeks to live. He will share his powerful story with you and you can learn how he used Bio-Well during his journey.

He is a level 1 & expert level 2 educator and operates a Bio-Well warehouse in Orlando, FL. His practitioners and graduates are a part of his research family and he organizes many webinars, in-person workshops and research trip with supervision of Dr. Korotkov. 

A Glimpse of Our Annual Hands-On Workshop

Please choose your desired level of education below

Orientation Training

We will focus on how to get started with your Bio-Well device after purchase. This is a free training included with your purchase.

Basic Training

We will focus on how to get started with your Bio-Well device after purchase. This is a free training included with your purchase.

Level 1 Group Training

We will focus on how to get started with your Bio-Well device after purchase. This is a free training included with your purchase.

Level 2  Group Training

We will focus on how to get started with your Bio-Well device after purchase. This is a free training included with your purchase.

Level 1 Private Training

We will focus on how to get started with your Bio-Well device after purchase. This is a free training included with your purchase.

Level 2  Private Training

We will focus on how to get started with your Bio-Well device after purchase. This is a free training included with your purchase.


Self Education Books

Get Access To A Quantum Support App & Join Hundreds of Holistic Practitioners!

 Join our next research trip around the world!